Posts in Category: Uncategorized

“Agnes (in Redemption)” is out!


Official release of the album “Agnes (in Redemption)” announced for the 1st of September


Hydroglisseur’s latest achievement in musical poetry: Free Booze is launched

I have been very discrete about it but some people have noticed that I started to work intensively with both music and photography this year. The official début was the exhibition of the music and photography installation “Agnes (in Redemption)” in January 2015 in the gallery Plateforme in Paris and this was just the beginning. I don’t want to go too deep into that topic right now but photography has become a very important part of my work in general and I decided to put a website unveiling a few of my photographic works. Go to and judge by yourself or just click on the picture below.


Tonight in lagari: When Belgium and France unites….


Tonight: Hydroglisseur live in Berlin Sowieso


Tonight: “Agnes (in Redemption)” for electric guitar and photography performed live by Justin Lépany in Quiet Cue (Berlin)

Tonight: “Of Gas and Dust” for piano performed by Jan Gerdes in Palma de Mallorca (Spain)


“Toccata” for organ performed by Kristiaan Seynhave in Great Malvern Priory (UK) – March 28.


Composing for the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize – Part IV: the video of Ringing Peace

An exclusive look over Laura Marie Rueslåtten’s shoulder while performing my composition “Ringing Peace” on the 10th of December 2014 on the Oslo City Hall’s carillon, welcoming the guests of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize ceremony with a firework of bells. More informations about Ringing Peace at